MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility Multi Dictionary

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Examples for Multi Dictionary

Simple Item sample
CompareMode sample
ASP - Share application variables       ScriptUtilities MultiDictionary lets you share variables (text, numbers, objects) in one process. This is idea sample to share ASP (ASPNet) Application objects between two or more IIS applications. You can share any type of variables - strings, numeric, arrays, objects with a top performance.
      You can also use Access ASP Application object from a remote script article (without external components). This article lets you share strings/numeric variables over internet (other ASP apps on the same or remote machine, VBS scripts).
      See also Share dictionary values over processes/remote computers (from VBSCript in ASP to WSH, ..).
Count property sample
Exists method sample
Remove method sample - nonunique keys
Change a key.
Enumerate Multi.Dictionary keys and items
Store all dictionary data to a file
Remove selected keys from dictionary
Application scope dictionary in PHP Multi.Dictionary object can be also used to share variables inside one php application, with the same functionality as Application object in ASP. You can use the COM object as hi-performance memory cache, for example.

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Other Motobit links:   IISTracer, real-time IIS monitor   ASP file upload - upload files to ASP. 
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